Easily build and sell courses with the AI course creator made for you

Steppit's personal AI assistant will make your journey as a course creator a breeze, without replacing what makes you unique.

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AI Course Creator
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Steppit Personal AI Assistant - Train AI to create and sell online courses in your style | Product Hunt
Featured on There's An AI For That

Meet your new assistant

Have fun training your AI assistant and then let him work his magic, so you can build a course and share it with the world in no time.

Get unstuck, with truly personalized AI

We’ll help tailor AI to you. Train your assistant in how you think and apply this to dozens of course-building tools to rapidly achieve your commercial goals.

With the help of Steppit AI, you can generate more than just basic course outlines. You'll get assistance at every step with insights, suggestions and tools that always follow your lead.

AI Course Creator

Train your assistant in 5 key traits...

Your Skillset

Content ideas suited to your skills and strengths.

Your Tone of Voice

Generate writing effortlessly in your style.

Your Values

Always stay aligned on your motivations, values and goals.

Your Audience

Suggestions curated for your target audience.

Your Unique Context

Get help tailored to where Steppit fits into your world.

Train My Assistant Now


Step 1

Coach your assistant

Answer simple questions on five different traits and your assistant will learn your unique preferences.

AI Assistant Training


Step 2

Build your course with ease

Generate written content whenever you need it, directly in the platform, and get curated suggestions sent to you whilst you’re away.

AI Course Builder


Step 3

Launch with confidence

Publish your course in record time, and get tailored suggestions to help you market your course and run high engagement classes.

AI Course Launching

A personal AI tool for every step of your journey

Use your personal assistant’s range of tools to achieve your goals faster without compromising on quality.

Here are just a few examples of what your assistant can do...

Pro Course Planner

Let your trained assistant build a course plan to your exact specifications, with tailored suggestions based on your unique writing style and skills.


Content Helper

If you get stuck on a text box while writing something for your course, your assistant can jump in to fill in the gap and keep you moving forward.


Session Planner

Outline what you want your learner to cover in a session and let your assistant come up with a step-by-step flow that guides them through the activity or topic at hand.


Clip Summarizer

Say whatever you like in your video and audio clips, and let your assistant instantly summarize your words into simple sentences which are easy for learners to follow along.


Channel Writer

Introduce learners to your channel with detailed copy written in your tone of voice and tailored to your target market.


Coming Soon

Market Insights

To help you understand where your courses fit in the market and where the opportunities are, your assistant can roam the internet and sum up its findings in your weekly digest.


Coming Soon

Performance Analyst

Your assistant analyses sales data to help you understand what’s working best and optimize your course promotion for maximum impact.


Coming Soon

Script Writer

Say goodbye to writer’s block as the assistant helps you flesh out your ideas into full video scripts, all written in your unique tone of voice.


Coming Soon

Chat Assistant

Give your learners additional, instant support by integrating your assistant into your class discussions.

Create and sell your courses faster and easier with AI

Start a free 7-day trial of Pro to unlock your personal AI assistant.

Free Trial Now Available ✨

Pro Channel

From $25 /month

Grow your channel and create better courses more efficiently with AI.

Try Free for 7 Days
See all Pro plans

Included free with all channels:

Unlimited courses
Branded channel
Cohort-based classes

Exclusive to Pro channels:

Unlimited units per course
5+ channel team members
Private invite-only classes with 10+ new enrollments per month
2,000+ AI credits per month + 1,000 bonus credits on signup
Unlimited course sales via Steppit, with 85-90% revenue share on Growth & Scale plans
Priority customer support
Fully customizable AI-powered assistant
AI tools for creating courses 🧱
Pro course planner
Content helper
Session planner
Clip summarizer

More coming soon

AI tools for marketing courses 📣
Channel writer

More coming soon

AI tools for engaging Audiences 🏆
Learner Rewarder
Schedule Reminder

More coming soon


Product Roadmap




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